Sales and Social Selling Summer Reading List



Summer is reading season, at least it is for me. I can’t wait for my weekends at the pool and the Jersey shore; it is prime time to devour content and insights that can up my game. Here are some of the books that I have either read and loved or are on my list to read this summer: [TWEET THIS LIST]

LinkedIn and Social Selling

  1. Social Selling Techniques to Influence Buyers and Change Makersby Tim Hughes
  2. The Sales Development Playbook by Trish Bertuzzi
  3. Beyond the Sales Process by Dave Stein and Steve Anderson
  4. Power Formula for LinkedIn Success by Wayne Breitbarth
  5. LinkedIn Mastery by Chris J. Reed
  6. Coaching Sales People into Champions by Keith Rosen
  7. Twitter: How to Market and Make Money by Ace McCloud
  8. Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business by Ted Prodroumo
  9. The Art of Social Media by Guy Kawasaki
  10. Own It by Meridith Elliott Powell
  11. The LinkedIn Code by Melonie Dodaro
  12. Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World – by Michael Hyatt
  13. LinkedIn Marketing an Hour a Day by Viveka von Rosen
  14. Sales Manager’s Survival Guide – by David A. Brock
  15. Master Strategies For Social Media Marketing by Noah Hope
  16. LinkedIn Makeover by Donna Serdula
  17. The Art of People by Dave Kerpen
  18. Knock-Out Networking by Michael Goldberg
  19. The Challenger Customer by Brent Adamson and Matthew Dixon
  20. To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink
  21. The Very Little but Powerful Book on Closing by Jeffery Gitomer
  22. Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount
  23. #AskGaryVee by Gary Vaynerchuk
  24. Social Media for Writers by Tee Morris and Pip Ballantine 
  25. Social Media: Master Social Media Marketing – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Instagram – by Grant Kennedy
  26. Do It Marketing by David Newman
  27. How to Write Copy that Sells by Ray Edwards
  28. Shameless plug… LinkedIn and Social Selling by Brynne Tillman

I can’t wait to get started on some of these books – I love my summer reading!

What have I missed? – Please add sales and social selling books you’d recommend in comments below!

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