[On-Demand Webinar] 9 Powerful Ways to Get More LinkedIn Profile Views



  • If you’re in business development, you want to be found. Just like a website, your LinkedIn profile is high on the list of professional branding that attracts, teaches and engages your buyers. In fact, if you are client facing, your LinkedIn profile may be even more important than your company website. Why? 9 out of 10 people that you hand your business card to will check out LinkedIn before they get to your site. 90% of the appointments you schedule result in searches of you, your team and your company, and if you have ever Googled yourself, LinkedIn comes up pretty high.
  • If you’re looking to get more views to your LinkedIn profile especially views from your targeted market, here are 9 quick and easy ways to start growing your profile views:


  1. Updates – By sharing articles and relevant blogs that your target market cares about, you’ll begin to build a reputation as a connection that offers insights in your industry. Be sure to post content that is aligned with what you do from a product or industry vantage point while making sure you aren’t promoting your competition. Make sure you share a line or two of your own perspective, this will help to build your reputation as a subject matter expert.
  2. Publishing – To be seen as a thought leader and subject matter expert in your industry, publishing original content on LinkedIn Pulse is a foundational step in your professional branding. There is nothing more powerful than providing education and insights to your target market that has a direct impact on their business than offering tips, advise, insights and education. Make sure you content gets them thinking differently about their business or even their industry. And, because LinkedIn notifies your network when you publish, there is no doubt that you will get more connection requests, followers and viewers of your profile. CLICK HERE to learn the 7 essential elements to a successful blog post.
  3. Sharing to Groups – Sharing content, articles or even your own publications in groups is a simple way of getting your message in front of others. To ensure you are attracting the right people, join groups that are filled with your targeted buyers and title your post to engage your prospective reader.
  4. Sharing, Liking and Commenting on Other Peoples Publications and Updates – Nothing makes a publisher more happy than someone who appreciates their work. They took time and energy to publish for the purpose of others to read it, and when you take the time to “like it”, tweet it out, share it with your connections or even better yet, take the time to write a comment…you will get noticed. And, if they don’t know you yet, the likelihood of them checking you out is pretty darn high. BONUS: Be sure to @Mention the author and/or others that would benefit from reading the piece you are sharing, they’ll get notified that they they have been mentioned so consequently this is practically guaranteeing a few more profile views each time.
  5. Liking Comments on Other People’s Publications – This strategy is truly underutilized. If you read a blog post that’s relevant to your industry but not from a competitor and it has dozens of comments, read through each of them. You can then like and comment on each of those comments and in a very short period of time, begin to engage with a lot of folks interested in the same subjects that are relevant to you and your business. The caution here is not to spam, don’t go through like a machine liking every single comment, be authentic and engage with each one individually.
  6. Viewing Other Profiles – An oldie but a goodie. The law of reciprocation-ish happens here, if you look and they noticed, they will look back. To get the most out of this, it is vital that you have a professional photo and a powerful headline as this is their first impression of you.
  7. Request to Connect with Everyone You have a Conversation with or Meet. – Whenever you have a professional conversation with anyone, whether it is prospecting, networking or just out and about, end it with,” Hey are you on LinkedIn? I’m going to connect with you tonight, and maybe we can set up a follow-up call to continue this conversation.” There is almost 100% chance they will check out your profile.
  8. Endorsing Your Connections – Although I truly believe you should only endorse people that you know are good at the said endorsement, it is a fantastic way to get the attention of a connection that may have forgotten you long ago. It is a great way to get more profile views that can convert to targeted conversations.
  9. Recommend Your Connections – This is a really powerful way to get noticed, but take this very seriously. Recommending someone has to be completely authentic and come from experience. That being said, there are probably dozens of co-workers that have made an impact, vendors you have worked with and even clients that you have worked with in a way that you experienced their skills.

Obviously getting views isn’t the end game on LinkedIn, but it is important. The more awareness that people have of who you are and what you do will certainly have an impact on prospecting activities. And, down the line if you notice these folks are connected to someone you’d like to meet, they have an idea of what you do and are much more likely to help facilitate introductions.



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