Is Your Job Description on the New LinkedIn Costing You Opportunities?



Is Your Job Description on the New LinkedIn Costing You Opportunities?

With the new LinkedIn rollout, your job description has never been more vital to your online presence. When your reader begins to scroll down your profile on the desktop, the Experience Section is the first thing they see. It should no longer be solely focused on your achievements, negotiation skills or daily responsibilities.

This is your opportunity to share how you work with your clients, the value you bring to them and why they should hire you. Take advantage of the 2000 characters you have in your job description, because when they are used correctly, they can open up great opportunities for you.

Here is my recommended breakdown:

Start with a powerful statement that gets their attention:


Offer your contact information so you are easy to get a hold of:

⌨ ✉ ☏ 215.499.0499

One line on who you are, who you work with and what you do for them:

As Chief Learning Officer at PeopleLinx, I work with enterprise sales leaders to design and implement a guided social selling program that gets real results.

Provide a bit of education that will not only bring value to your prospect, but set you apart from your competition:

► Three Areas Essential for a Successful Social Selling Program:

➊ Customization – It is essential for sales rep adoption of any sales program that it be completely relevant to their needs. Customization includes establishing KPIs, defining buyer criteria for LinkedIn searches, messaging templates, a company branding and profile strategy, daily activities and CRM integration.

➋ Guided Learning – All adult learning should include elements of video that teaches strategy and tactics as well step-by-step implementation to be successful. Guided learning is a hybrid of Just-in-Time learning that has proven to have a much higher success rate among sales professionals.

➌ Reinforcement – Training alone is proven to not be enough. Ensuring that the right activity at the right time on a consistent basis is essential for ongoing success. Reinforcement should be gamified, measured and coached to for optimum engagement and ROI.

Our best in class LinkedIn and social selling curriculum and proprietary PeopleLinx Platform has been used by fortune 1000 companies globally and continues to be one of the top programs available in the market place today.

Include your services so your readers will know how and what to hire you for:

► PeopleLinx Courses:

✓ The Social Selling Revolution

✓ Navigating the New LinkedIn Interface

✓ Profile Branding

✓ Prospecting on LinkedIn

✓ Sales Navigator 101

✓ Sales Navigator Advanced

✓ Thought Leadership

✓ Twitter 101

✓ Advanced Twitter

✓ Social Selling for Inside Sales Teams

✓ Social Selling for Account Based Sales

► PeopleLinx Delivers:

✓ On-site Training

✓ Keynote

✓ Webinar Training

✓ Private Coaching

✓ Social Selling Platform Training & Reinforcement

✓ Integration into CRM

✓ Real-Time Reporting

✓ Employee Advocacy

CLICK HERE to visit a library of symbols for your summary?

It is very important that you update your profile, to be more of a resource rather than a resume that focuses on attracting, teaching and engaging your targeted audience.

Want to learn more about LinkedIn and Social Selling? WATCH PeopleLinx’s webinars on-demand!

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