7 Key Elements to a Successful LinkedIn Publication Blog Post

linkedin blog

By now you should have the ability to publish a blog post on LinkedIn, which, by the way, is the coolest new tool you have in your social selling tool box. (From your home page click on the pencil in update status box to begin blogging)

The key to being seen as a thought leader and your industry’s expert is the creation and publication of your own original content. You no longer have to start a whole new blog site, be at the mercy of your web developer or wait until your company post a piece worth sharing…you now have control over your own brand and reputation! Social Sales Link believes there are 7 elements that are absolutely necessary to a post’s success:

  1. It needs to have a catchy title that engages your reader and tells them what they are going to learn.
  2. You have to deliver on the promise, don’t bait and switch, be sure the content matches the title.
  3. Be sure to include keywords that your reader would use when searching for content related to you content to maximize Search Engine Optimized (SEO).
  4. Give them an implementable take-away. Be sure that they leave with more than just ideas but strategy and tactics.
  5. Keep the reading time under 3 minutes, they stop reading anyway.
  6. Include a powerful graphic that is clear, tells the post’s story and attracts the readers’ eye.
  7. Be sure to have a call to action, a next step that you would like you reader to do.

There are 3 levels of calls to action.

  1. Number 1 – LOW RISK – CLICK HERE to watch 5 LinkedIn Tips so You Never have to Cold Call Again OR CLICK HERE to download 11 LinkedIn Tips for Sales Professionals
  2. Number 2 – MEDIUM RISK – CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE consultation or a time to talk.
  3. Number 3 – HIGH RISK – CLICK HERE to purchase our LinkedIn & Social Selling Book on Amazon. Or REGISTER for a class.

One of the great benefits of publishing on LinkedIn is that all of your connections and followers will get notified in the little red flag that you have posted a new publication with the title (one of the reasons why the title is critical, it is what will pull them in).

BONUS: You can share your publication in all of your groups and with targeted connections with a couple of quick steps.

  1. Click on your profile (not in edit mode)
  2. Click on the title of your post
  3. Click on the Linkedin Share Button above your content
  4. Click post to groups
  5. Type in title of your post
  6. Add a teaser in the description
  7. Start typing the name of your groups beginning with the letter “A”
  8. Select groups from the dropdown (you can add all of your groups here and share at the same time)
  9. Click Share
  10. You can also send the link with a message to targeted individuals by typing in their name in “send to individuals”. Be sure to customize the message. If you send to more than one connection, be sure to uncheck the “allow recipients to see each others’ names and emails”

Still not sure how to publish on LinkedIn? Take the MEDIUM RISK option and schedule a FREE call with Sally Jo or Brynne!


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