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We Build The Foundation

With our 15-year track record of proven results via Project Child, Ubora is expanding its holistic model of community transformation to the entire Siha District of Kilimanjaro. <figure><iframe src=”” allowfullscreen=””></iframe></figure> This video touched my heart and is why I am going on this mission trip.   Will you help by donating your change?  Click the […]

Pressure builds on Burundian refugees in Tanzania amid threat of forced return

This article illustrates why I am passionate about Tanzania and going there on this short-term mission. This quote from the article highlights the challenge.“In August, Burundian and Tanzanian officials announced that 2,000 refugees would be repatriated every week starting from 1 October. The plan has not yet resulted in forced returns, but pressure is building […]

Wilma Mendez

-We have several ways for you to support our mission trip.  We offer the opportunity for you to donate with a one-time gift, monthly,  and simple round-ups.  

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