The LinkedIn Challenge #thelinkedinchallenge

#thelinkedinchallengeThe ability to make new meaningful connections on LinkedIn is certainly one of the most powerful features of this dynamic tool.

Social Sales Link is on a mission to help as many people as possible make connections that bring value to one another. We know we can’t do it alone, so we came up with…

THE LINKEDIN CHALLENGE: Designed to get a large number of members making introductions for their connections, and then those connections pay it forward (similar to the ice bucket challenge but not as cold). Think about who in your network could benefit from knowing each other and connect them through a simple LinkedIn message (template to copy and paste below).

5 Easy Steps:

  1. Choose the profile of your first connection
  2. Click on Send Message
  3. Click Include Others
  4. In the top box click below your connection’s picture and name and begin to type the 2nd name and choose it from the drop down list.
  5. Copy and paste:
  • Subject Line: I would like to introduce the two of you for my LinkedIn Challenge
  • Message: Name1 & Name2, I have been challenged to identify people in my network to connect because they could benefit from knowing each other. I thought the two of you may have some synergies and I hope you take this opportunity to explore them. Simply reply all to this LinkedIn message to set up a time to connect. In addition, you are now both challenged to make an introduction to two other people in your network. Please visit for the easy steps to complete this challenge.Good Networking, YOUR NAME

It’s simple and you just might make a difference today.

PLEASE share this with your network!


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