5 Things I Dare You Not to Do on LinkedIn this Week!




We all develop bad habits on social, and often they can cost us business even if we don’t realize it. Whether it is getting lost in the weeds or not paying enough attention to the right activities, there is always something we can do to be more efficient and effective. I have identified 5 critical mistakes you are probably doing right now, and if thwarted, can have a huge impact on your business growth.

So, I dare you NOT to:

  1. Connect with anyone without a personal note. There is no excuse; even from your smart phone you can customize a message. If it is a time factor, write a semi-personal template and save it in your keyboard shortcuts so you don’t have to write it from scratch each time.
  2. Ignore your new connections when they accept your invitation request. It doesn’t take much time, but if it is someone that it makes sense to talk to, respond with a short note requesting a brief conversation to explore ways in which you can benefit from each others’ network.
  3. Read a blog post that you enjoy without liking, commenting and sharing it. Engaging with other people’s posts can be a powerful way to get on their radar and begin to create relationships. Liking and commenting on other people’s comments is also a good practice to make new connections.
  4. Make a cold call without checking out the decision makers, influencers and company page on LinkedIn first. You may have a shared connection or something in common that could make that call warmer.
  5. Go to another 1:1 networking meeting without identifying who your partner knows that you want to meet and bring the list with you. (Make sure you offer to make introductions for them as well.)

Just a few tweaks in your daily LinkedIn habits could have a significant impact on your business development efforts. So although I am daring you not to go another week without leverage this powerful tool to grow your pipeline the right way, make sure you dare yourself…just one week, and let me know how it goes!

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