#1 Way to Prospect in Linkedin Groups

Prospect with LinkedIn GroupsJust posting content into groups is valuable, but delivering your content directly to your target market is even better.

When you share your blog, an educational article or watch a video it positions you as a thought leader and subject matter expert. Make  sure your viewers walk away from your content feeling that it was time well-spent.  Typically we like to leave a key take-away, something our readers can implement right away or something that gets them thinking beyond the article. This is the foundation of becoming a true thought leader.

Here is how you can use filters to identify the members of the group that you would like to engage.

1. In the group, click on the number of Members on the top right of the group menu.

2. In Search Members type in key words, titles and/ or location that you are using to filter. For example, if you are looking to identify just CEOs in a group, type CEO in the box. But if you were looking to identify CEOs in NYC type “CEO” AND “New York City”. This is known as a Boolean search. You can use AND, NOT, OR but be sure to capitalize them for LinkedIn searches. (If you are looking to message a specific person in that group, type in their name in the search bar)

3. A list of members will appear. From this menu you are able to invite them to connect or send them a message, even if you are not connected!

4. Click Send message.

Hello XXX,
As a Sales Director, I wanted to share with you a blog that my company just posted that I thought might be helpful. I would appreciate your feedback. www.BLOGURLHERE.com.

Also, please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn as well.

5. If you don’t have a blog, certainly feel free to share an industry article instead. Be sure to write a line or two of why the article is relevant.

Want more? CLICK HERE to watch this powerful 5 LinkedIn Videos so You Never Have to Cold Call Again.


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